8 January 2007

Sneak Look at Gothic Memoria

Shaun Wilson, Gothic memoria [1]: 2% Berlin (2006-07), 3GP as single channel DVD, black and white, sound, 52 mins.

This is the first released still from the initial Gothic memoria series 1 works titled 2% Berlin, recently filmed in November 2006 at the Berlin Wall and the 'Topography of Terror' site. The film speed is slowed down to 2%, hence the title. The audio score features a composed piano quartet (performed by me) taken from the larger Memoria Sonic series (or "M-Sonic" for short) written especially for the Gothic memoria videoworks (approx. 1000).

The M-Sonic tracks were recorded in December 2006 and January 2007 and will be released as a double CD in November 2007.

Screening of 2% Berlin and related works will be in late 2007/early 2008.