Well there's a lot of new things coming next year for this funny little blog of mine - a new archive website, new advanced features and blog design, some great film projects and loads of new images. Looking back on it, 2010 was the most productive year I've had to date with over x4 major video installations, x85 single channel works, Arts Victoria money money money, a short film, 8 new short screenplays, one new feature-length screenplay, the first 15 minutes of Darklands, a few journal articles, and 3D versions of all of my major works since 2007. So thanks for dropping by and looking at my stuff. We had over 4000 page views this month alone - don't you people have anything better to do? :) so keep on coming back in 2011, the fun stuff is about to begin... To kick off 2011, I've got a few curated screenings in Berlin then its off to the USA for an exhibition, then a pretty big 3D shoot in February to be filmed at RMIT.
All the best for the New Year, love to everyone - Shaun.